Iron Grip

…knowing that whatever waited at the bottom was going to be better than what was chasing me

Running. Running up and up. Up a Dark abandoned stairwell. Running and running up. Something is chasing me. I can’t hear it but I know it’s chasing me, so I keep running. Up and up. I finally reach the top and burst through the door at the top and onto the roof. It’s night. There are no stars, no city lights, just rough outlines of buildings in the distance. I can’t tell if it’s foggy or just that really dead of night.

It’s still chasing me, so I slam the door shut behind me and run across the roof. There’s no where to go. Looking everywhere. I suddenly see one of those construction tubes leading down….knowing that whatever waited at the bottom was going to be better than what was chasing me, I dive in headfirst. As soon as I start to slide down….an iron grip; a cold freezing hand grabs my ankle and immediately stops me…

I keep trying to scream but no sound comes out as I’m pulled out of the tube, and that’s when I realize there is no actual being there, but I can still feel the grip around my ankle like it was made of steel. As I’m raised upside down out of the tube by this invisible entity….just darkness….and then nothingness.

© 2017 Mj Gale

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